Emotionale Sopranstimme von höchster gesanglicher Qualität.

– Augsburger Allgemeine –

Ihre höchst unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsfelder seien ein Beleg für die Fähigkeit Winklers, sowohl in der Öffentlichkeit als auch im geschützten Raum der Therapie aus höchstem Niveau zu arbeiten

– Laudatio Prof. Dr. Welzel aus Alumni International –

Ohrenschmaus und Augenweide kombinierte Preisträgerin Ljiljana Winkler, die ihr anspruchsvolles, ebenso mutiges wie originelles Programm mit Ironie, Witz und Charme würzte und nicht nur mit Stimme, sondern auch mit einnehmender Bühnenpräsenz punktete.

– Der Westen –

Ljiljana Winkler (MA)

is an internationally active, award-winning and versatile soprano, librettist, vocal music therapist, lecturer in singing at the University of Augsburg and lecturer in vocal music therapy in the master’s program in music therapy at the Leopold Mozart College and artistic director of the formation Solenne, which is stylistically between contemporary jazz and contemporary classical music.
Her stage experience includes opera and operetta engagements as well as solo concert performances in San Diego (NWEAMO Festival), New York (Di Menna Center, Players Theatre, NC Drom etc), at the „Saarländisches Staatstheater“, Theater National du Luxembourg, Vienna (Wiener Operettensommer) Berlin (Hosek Contemporary, Panda), Schwere Reiter Munich, Open Air Bühne Konstanz, Opera Factory Freiburg etc. She is a sought-after singer for contemporary premieres and studio recordings – ” Ljiljana Winkler sang beautifully and with great stamina and skill (…) I also want to praise the versatility of this vocal artist, Ljiljana is able to perform in many styles and genres with credibility – (No scene unheard New York). „Special guest artist for the evening, soprano Ljiljana Winkler from Augsburg, Germany, offered vibrant interpretations of Waters’ songs. Winkler’s pellucid declamation of the text combined with a strong, well-focused dramatic soprano provided the necessary power to balance the composer’s daunting, athletic instrumental components.“ (San Diego Story).

In projects that depict a synergy of depth psychology theories and contemporary music, Ljiljana Winkler explores horizons behind emerging musical spaces. Her mono jazz opera “Soubrette auf der Toilette” (libretto), composed by Gene Pritsker, premiered in New York in 2021 and was released as a digital album on the premium label Composer Concordance/ NAXOS USA. At the Théâtre National du Luxembourg in Wolfgang Mitterer’s „Das tapfere Schneiderlein“, she sang the role of the princess. She embodied the role of the Nightingale in Stravinsky’s opera „Nachtigall“ on the open-air stage of the Chamber Opera in Constance. At the Opera Factory in Freiburg, she was engaged for the role of Mrs. Bittermandel and Mrs. Knochen in the opera „Drei Rätsel“ by Detlev Glanert, as well as for the role of Bettine in the opera „Kein Ort Nirgends“ by Anno Schreier. Opera and operetta engagements have taken Ljiljana Winkler to the open-air stage of the Vienna Operetta Summer, where she sang the role of Mi in Franz Lehár’s „Das Land des Lächelns“. At the Neuburg City Theater, she played the role of Lucie in the opera „Eifersucht“ by Sophie Gail and the role of Marianna Gardi in Adolphe Adam’s „So ein Glück!“ She was invited to perform in the world premiere of the stage play Labyrinth for soprano and orchestra by Peter Michael von der Nahmer. At the 2018 Klang/Sprache research colloquium, she interpreted contemporary works by Marc Neufeld at the Leopold Mozart Center in Augsburg.
Winkler has received numerous prizes and scholarships, including the Music Prize of the 2Märkische Kulturkonferenz“ for “extraordinary vocal and musical talent”, the 1st Prize in the German Federal Singing Competition BIH, the Scholarship of the Bosnian Government, the 1st Prize in the Lazar Jovanovic Singing Competition in Serbia, the Dame Felicity Lott Foundation UK, the R. Wagner Scholarship (Bayreuth) and the Claudia Mayer Scholarship (Saarbrücken). She was awarded the DAAD Prize of the University of Augsburg in 2018 for her social commitment and her own singing therapy method for treating the effects of traumatic experiences on the qualities of the singing voice. Ljiljana Winkler completed her vocal studies at the University of Music Saar (Prof. Windmüller- Opera and  Irwin Gage Master-Liedgestaltung) and the research-oriented master’s program in music therapy at the Leopold Mozart College in Augsburg.
In summary, Ljiljana Winkler has received many positive reviews for her “strong, well-focused dramatic soprano”. She not only impresses with her vocal performance, but also with her acting skills, versatility in different styles and genres.

Recent Review: Ljiljana Winkler Sings Songs by Joseph Martin Waters to Open the NWEAMO 2024 Festival – San Diego Story

LIVE at NWEAMO Festival in San Diego


  • Soprano Ljiljana Winkler has been invited to sing eleven premieres of contemporary songs in New York. The concert will take place on November 22, 2024 as part of the concert series of the organization “Composer Concordance,”- an eclectic concert series,ensemble,record label, and presenting organization for music with a 39-year history of premiering contemporary music in New York City, that is pushing the boundaries of sound and composition.


Concerts 2024

PATH VIDEO By Solenne Ensemble


Ljiljana Winkler and the Solenne Band perform the music of Gene Pritsker by Ljiljana Winkler, Solenne Band, Gene Pritsker (songwhip.com)

ALBUM REVIEWS   HOME | Solenne Ensemble.com (solenne-ensemble.com)



OPERA „Soubrette on the Toilet“ by Winkler Ljiljana & Gene Pritsker and Ensemble Solenne (songwhip.com)


Press articles: https://ljiljanawinkler.com/press/